It is with a joyful, yet heavy heart that I begin this campaign. You see, a beloved brother of mine is also an author-an author whose awesome book is priming for launch-and in order to save his career, John Olson could really use stellar sales numbers and fans/friends to help him out.
First, let me tell you a tad about him-because unless I can appeal to your hearts, hardened by years of people begging money and favors, this campaign will flop like Shamu! JOHN OLSON is an amazing man, who has written an incredible book called FOSSIL HUNTER. A few years ago John quit his mega-bucks job to become a full-time writer. No, not because he got a million-dollar contract, but because John believes in writers, he has a heart filled with godly compassion for writers, to see them excel. I've honestly never met a man quite like him. His dedication not only to writers, but to his family and friends is absolutely humbling.
Okay. Ahem. Enough mushy stuff. Here's the goods. J
The core issue of FOSSIL HUNTER is intelligent design, and made in cooperation with the Ben Stein movie, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, is awesome! If you haven't seen the movie, you really need to spoil your significant other and head to the theater (www.expelledthemovie.com).
Anyway, back to Fossil Hunter-I had the great pleasure of reading it and brainstorming a tad with John-and I have to say, I am SO glad to see someone (no, not just someone, but a SCIENTIST!!) tackling this sensitive, but CRUCIAL topic of intelligent design. When I read a book, I want to come away satisfied, but it's major kudos to the author who can intellectually challenge me while doing that! The characters are wonderful, complex, and intelligent. Through her adventure in the Iraqi desert, paleontologist Katie James and her archrival Nick Murad rock the evolution world. "Their initial results fly in the face of current scientific theory, and it seems the whole world turns against them, including those they thought they could trust most." (quoted from www.FossilHunternovel.com )
That sentence alone makes me yearn for my own copy!! What's that?? You too? Well-WAIT!! Don't rush off to Amazon yet. The official release date is May 1, and John would be VERY appreciative if you'd wait until MAY 1st to buy it from the www.FossilHunternovel.com website (this is another way to save John and make his wife and kids very happy-they'll actually get to eat next week because of the commissions earned from you wonderful fans purchasing through his site!).
through TELL A FRIEND!
As if that's not enough, get this. After I cajoled...er, consoled a sobbing John and promised to do my absolute best to save his career and help with the launch of his wonderful book, FOSSIL HUNTER, look what the brilliant biochemist promised: Tell your friends that if they read Fossil Hunter and love it and want to tell their friends about it (and CC me on the emails they send out), I'll write them back personally and send every one of them a random, quirky and sometimes bizarre token of my appreciation. The best, most creative, widely broadcast and all around most effective recommendations I get (as judged by my wife Amy), will be awarded brand spankin' new iPod Touches.
Y'ALL!! Do you see that? You have a chance to SAVE JOHN'S CAREER (having a brilliant biochemist eternally indebted to you isn't a bad thing), and WIN AN iPOD Touch!!!!! Have you seen those things?? (I drooled over one so much the man at the store threatened to make me pay for it with years of indentured service).
So, who's game? Who's willing to step out and help a fellow author/brilliant biochemist/father/brother/husband? Who will help SAVE JOHN'S CAREER? If you're interested in competing for an iPod Touch, make sure to send out a campaign newsletter, maybe post this to a blog, but be sure that whatever you do, you send a copy to John (johno@litany.com).
I wish you all the best! THANK YOU for helping to SAVE JOHN'S CAREER!
1.) SEE THE MOVIE: Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
2.) PURCHASE Fossil Hunter from www.fossilhunternovel.com on MAY 1, 2008
3.) TELL YOUR FRIENDS (and cc: johno@litany.com)
4.) possibly WIN an iPod Touch
1 comment:
Thanks so much, Cara, for posting this and helping John!! It's been a blast so far.
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