I am delighted to have my good friend Robin Caroll stop by today. We first met very briefly at ACFW in 2005. Colleen Coble had told me we needed to meet because we'd be great friends. Well, over the next few years her prediction has come true. We served together on the ACFW board for two years. We both write books for Love Inspired Suspense (though she's written more for them). We brainstorm together, challenge each other, pray for each other.
Robin has been a true gift to me on this writing journey. Today her first trade novel releases from B&H. I had the pleasure of reading Deliver Us From Evil as Robin wrote it. A search and rescue helicopter pilot working for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Brannon Calhoun is as beautiful and tough as the terrain surrounding her. When a blizzard crashes a small plane carrying U.S. Marshal Roark Holland, she must save him and the donor heart he's transporting to a dying government witness with crucial links to the largest child trafficking ring in history.
Be sure to leave a comment. I have one copy of the book to giveaway to one lucky reader.
Here's the trailer:

Today Robin joins us. Congratulations on the release of Deliver Us From Evil. Tell us a bit about the story and how you got the idea for the plot.
Thanks, Cara. This is truly a book of my heart and covers a topic I'm extremely passionate about. I watched a television special on child trafficking with my husband. As a mother of three daughters, I couldn’t stop the ache in my heart long after the show was over. I couldn’t get the image of these poor girls’ faces out of my mind. The horrors these children endure in their own poverty-stricken country is horrible enough, but to be brought to America and be further exploited and abused is appalling. When my outrage settled deep inside me, I knew I had to write a story about this most serious issue.
This is a big step for you with the move to trade, which means a larger word count. Was it easier or harder to write than the novels you’ve written for Love Inspired Suspense?
A little of both, actually. Easier in that I could expand character development and subplots because of the longer word count. Harder in that this book took a LOT more research and plotting.
Child trafficking is something we don’t often want to think about because it’s ugly and offensive. Yet you choose to highlight in Deliver Us From Evil along with political corruption. Why did you tackle these tough issues?
When I started researching the topic, I was appalled. I'm ashamed to say that I had no clue this travesty occurs so often--right under our noses! It's a hard topic and I did a lot of crying while researching and writing, but awareness is the first step in people getting involved to help stop child trafficking.
Brannon Callahan is beautiful, tough and spunky helicopter pilot. Have you ever flown a helicopter? If not how did you research the scenes where she is flying?
Years ago, my husband took helicopter flying lessons. We became great friends with his instructor and he took me up in his bird quite often. If I close my eyes, I can feel my stomach drop when he did an autorotation. Terrifying, but exhilerating. I can understand why Brannon would get such a rush from being a helicopter pilot.
What did your characters teach you while you wrote this novel?
Grace. LOL Literally. When I began writing the book, I had a strong sense of Brannon. Roark, on the other hand, was a bit stubborn. He planted his feet and refused to initially tell me why he was the way he was and how his past experiences had bent his personality. I had to really dig in with him. And I learned grace. That sometimes people are carrying guilt in their hearts that we, on the outside, can't see and that guilt often makes them act in a way that isn't becoming.
Now for the fun one: If you could travel anywhere in eh world right now, where would you go and who would you take with you?
Italy, and I'd take my family and my writing buds & their families....along with nannies and tutors--for a month-long writing retreat.
Oh, I hope that means I'd be going with you! Thanks again for stopping by and congratulations on the release of Deliver Us From Evil. You can learn more about Robin and her books at her