Every go somewhere and walk away thinking about something you're pretty sure nobody planned on you focusing on?
That is the story of my life!
Seriously. Last week I took my 9 yo daughter and three of her friends and their moms to the Rock and Worship Road Show. It was a truly great Christian concert. Seven bands and lots of great music. David Crowder Band. Fee. Mercy Me. Sidewalk Prophets. Francesca Batistelli. etc.
But what I'm still focused on is the way that the show wasn't about egos. Instead, it was all about worshipping God and bringing glory to Him. Mercy Me closed the concert by walking off as the audience was singing one of their current worship songs.
That's what I want my life to be. That no matter what people say or think about me, that I am always pointing to God. That my life is about reflecting glory to Him. That it takes people five minutes to realize where my heart is focused. Some days I do well at this. Other days not so well. But my heart's cry is to bring glory to Him. For all the ways He has changed my life.
And that blur in the photo? My little girl getting a bag signed by Francesca. Made her day! My daughter's that is.
1 comment:
I'm so excited for your girl! Happy birthday Cara! Wishing you a great and blessed day!
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