Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Guest Post: Speaking Blessings over Our Kids

I am absolutely delighted today to bring you a guest post from my friend Carey Scott. Her husband and I got to know each other through a small critique group in ACFW when I first started writing in 2005. I'm always looking for new tools and encouragement as I parent my kiddos. Here's Carey:

“Sara, you’re beautiful and smart… and you have Jesus in your heart!  Now go be the light of the world!”

I speak these words to my daughter as she heads off to school each morning. Usually, she smiles at me and says, “Mom, you always say that!”

She’s right… I do.

Why? Because I want to speak blessings into her life. Words are powerful, and when we speak truth and life into our kids, it sets them up for success.

Do you bless your children with your words?

I don’t consider  – “God bless you” – after a sneeze to be a blessing. Instead, I’m talking about speaking words with the intention to affirm and encourage your kids.

Do you do that?

By definition, a blessing is the infusion of something with holiness, divine will, or one’s hope or approval. So when we say a blessing over our kids, we are speaking out our hope for their lives as well as endowing God’s love, power and grace into them. It tells our children they are loved, and that we want the best for them. It teaches that God cares and loves them, is present for them, and has a divine purpose for their lives. Our words also have the power to override the voice of the accuser.

But most importantly, we bless our children because to them… our words bring life. “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.” (Proverbs 18:21)

And when we say a blessing out loud… it empowers our children to step into their calling with confidence. It releases a tidal wave of favor on them. This intentional act has the power to transform their lives and set them on the right path.

My husband wrote a blessing specific for each of our kids. Each night at bedtime, he speaks it over them.

They love it.  

No matter how young or old your children are, you can bless them with your words. You can bless them in the crib or bless them when they bring their families to visit you at Christmas. As their parent, your words are powerful regardless of their age.

Where do you start?
  • Ask God for the exact words to share with each child. Seek Him before you commit a word on paper.
  • Once you have a clear direction, write or type out their blessing.
  • Find time each day to speak it over them. It might be on your drive to school, at bedtime, or at the dinner table.  
To get an idea of what a blessing could look like, consider this example:

“Sara, I bless your life as you become a wonderful woman of God. I bless your mind to remain sound, with wisdom and discernment in all decisions. I bless your body to remain pure until marriage and to be healthy and strong. I bless your hands and feet to do the work God has planned for you. I bless your mouth where words of truth and encouragement will flow. I bless your heart to remain loyal to God’s will for your life. I bless your husband-to-be and your future children’s lives with richness and unity. I love everything about you, Sara, and I am proud to be your mother. You bless our family and your friends in so many ways.”

You have a responsibility and a privilege to speak words of life and truth into your kids. And because this world can be cruel, their thirsty spirits need that encouragement daily.

As long as there is breath in your lungs, be intentional to bless your children.

This is a sample devotional from Carey’s book, Raising Godly Kids, available at the Kindle store for only $.99 (limited time). You can also purchase the paperback version on her website. For more information about Carey, visit

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