Back during the 90s there was a lot of discussion about the fact that it takes a village to raise a child. While I don't agree with the conclusion the proponents of that statement pushed, I've been reminded all over again how valuable and important it is to live in community.
Rebecca's birth. She is 3 1/2 weeks old now, and we have been blessed abundantly by friends and family. There were the many friends who helped as I waited for Rebecca to arrive. Since she couldn't decide what her due date should be, but liked to tease me with contractions, there were several times friends stepped in to watch the kids as we rushed to the hospital. And one friend in particular tried to keep me distracted as we waited for the real labor.
Then Eric's mom and my mom both stayed with us in those early days. They have the tag team action down perfectly. And Eric's sister Rhonda came up after my mom left to help a couple nights.
Then there are the wonderful friends and neighbors who brought us meals. I don't "like" to cook on the best of days. When I'm exhausted with a newborn, it's the last thing on my mind. Thanks to the generosity and help of friends, I'm only now thinking about that universal dilemma -- what's for dinner?
Since Rebecca's a summer baby, and we didn't know she was going to be a Rebecca, we had no clothes for her. Friends have given her the most beautiful clothes. And then two special friends loaned me boxes of clothes. She went from a little girl with a couple outfits to the best dressed baby girl in town.
This is what the body of Christ looks like when it's operating as Christ intended. I haven't had to ask for help. People offer and then it's up to me to accept it. Our family is blessed immensely, and I can't wait to see the blessing returned on those who have celebrated with us.
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