Monday, March 09, 2009

Writing: Ministry or Hobby?

Is writing a ministry or a hobby?

This is a good question. One I wrestle with periodically. For years I had the desire to write, but kept getting a wait signal from God. The dream would go to the back burner and simmer for another couple years before it would reach a boiling point again.

At the same time I had another desire. I believed that one of the reasons I was placed on this planet was to impact the world for Jesus. I've done that through teaching Bible studies, Sunday school, and other venues. But it reached a point where the desire for more became my heart's cry. "Father, expand my borders. Make me ready to do more for You. Make me a person you can use to impact the world for You."

Then I got the clear signal from God to chase writing. Then I got that first contract. And then God called me to account, that I took that contract to lightly. When I asked Him why, He showed me that I undervalued it because I didn't see it as the answer to my prayer. I'd asked Him to expand my boundaries and my reach. And He did that by giving me book contracts -- as I worked in obedience to His call -- contracts that allow those simple truths He puts in my heart to be read by so many more thousands of people than I can ever reach in one Bible study.

Will I continue to teach Bible studies and Sunday school? Yes, from time to time, as much because of how they push me to go deeper with God. But I will also write the stories He places in my heart, because my deepest heart's cry and longing is to be used by Him.


Anonymous said...

Amen, Sister. Amen.

Deborah said...

Oh wow, I feel like you just wrote what my heart has been trying to say. "Make me ready to do more for You."

God has been putting stories in my head for so long and I've not known what to do with them. My friends say "write them down" but I don't know where or how to start. The thoughts and ideas seem to come so fast.

Thank you for this post. I'm so glad I found your blog from Jamie Carie's blog.

denise said...

Thank you for confirmation. I have written 3 books and trying to teach and ministry from them has been great. I do feel that God has placed the ministry of writing in my spirit and I am to follow in obedience. I do trust God so I feel I must go for completing the good work that He started in me.
Dr. Denise S. Williams


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