It's Not About Me is not your typical Christian fiction. What was the germ that planted the story in your mind?
I guess it was built on a premise. I asked myself how a young girl with a great life, good looks, and a solid upbringing would handle a tragic situation that robbed her of the future she had planned. Her only weakness is she always wants to make everyone happy. She learns, of course, that it's impossible to do that.
You put your characters through the ringer. Which character did you connect to the most?
Dan, who is the hero. He talks to God like they are close friends, but with submission on Dan's end to what is ultimately God's plan. Dan sometimes fights it and argues with God. Don't we all do that?

What's the take away you hope readers will have after they reach the last page?
That's it's worth it to wait for the husband God has planned for you. That getting married to make someone happy is always a bad idea. That once you go somewhere in a relationship you can never go back to just holding hands. That real faith is more than just going to church and being a nice person. That drinking to much can royally screw up your life and you can't ever undo the damage that is done. There is a whole lot more but those are the highlights.
Who's the target audience for this book?
16 - 23 years old. The main characters are two high school graduates and one college graduate. However, people who have teens have told me that it has helped them with their relationship with their teens and opened communication. It's also perfect for youth groups because it touches on topics that don't normally come up. Also, everyone remembers being young once so honestly, I've got a bunch of over 65 year old ladies that are almost like groupies. They remember being young and they loved the story because it brought them back to those days.
You call your writing edgy inspirational. What does that mean?
That means there is always going to be something redemptive and inspirational in the theme of each story. Those themes happen within the context of the characters' disobedience or issues they have dealing with temptation and sin. Also, I don't smooth things over. They suffer the consequences and don't always make the right choices. That is where the edgy portion comes from. Yeah, I like to run them through the gauntlet emotionally, too.
What did you learn while writing this book that was unexpected?
What did the characters teach me? That approaching God when you are hurting is always better than hiding your pain and lying to yourself and others about how you are doing emotionally.
Now for a fun question: If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and who would you take with you?
I'd love to go to Australia to meet some of my reviewer friends, like Rel. I'd take my hubby and kids with me.
Thanks so much, Michelle, for making the time for this interview. If you'd like to be entered for a copy of the book, be sure to leave a comment.
I'd love to win a copy of Michelle's book! I hope to see you today at the ACFW book signing! I'm so excited!!
Mimi B
mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
Hi, I remember voting on the cover for Michelle's book. I would love to be entered to win a copy. Thanks very much.....Cindi
Enter me in the contest--sounds like a great book
I would love to win this book - haven't gotten to read it yet...
ryanx6 at msn dot com
I want to read this one so bad! Please enter me in the contest!
liatheddrfreak (at) gmail (dot) com
In view of the things that have happened around our house in the past two weeks I'd love to win a copy of this, both to read myself, and for me 16 year old daughter (and maybe the 19 year old as well!) Thanks
oh how l would love to win this, my son, a student at Liberty U would really like to read this! Priscillajdm at yahoo dot com
I'd love to win a copy of Michelle's book-- enjoyed meeting her at acfw conference
I would love to win a copy of Michelle's book if the contest is still going on.
God bless her special today.
jrs362 AT hotmail Dot com
This looks like a good new author to try...I'd love a chance to win a copy.
ldneuhof at hotmail dot com
I would love to win a copy of Michelle Sutton's book. I think it would be a great read for me and for my niece, she is getting to the age where not only is it important for me to communicate what life can be like growing into being a young woman, but also from what I have read, this is a book that would give her a life lesson. Thanks for the chance.
I am a big mystery reader, but I have come into romance, historical, and women's fiction. I learn so much in how the authors interweave their Christianity into their writing, giving me impetus for growth in my own life. So I thank you for sharing your hearts and spiritual insights in your works.
Enjoyed meeting Michelle at ACFW Conference. I look forward to reading her book. Enter me to win a copy
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