I loved exploring Venus and her struggles with control issues. I couldn't relate at all LOL. And her struggle to move beyond rote obedience to relationship. All told with Camy's vivid writing.
But one of my favorite things about Camy is her smile. She is a truly delightful woman, and I count it a privilege to know her.
Single Sashimi is the third book in the Sushi Series. How did Venus surprise you as you wrote it?
Will you hate me if I tell you Venus didn’t surprise me as I wrote this one? :) The character who did surprise me was Drake. He ended up being much sexier than I had originally planned!
I don't hate you at all. In fact I can relate to the characters that take us by surprise. From the first two books, she seems to be the cousin who has her life together. Now that it's time for her story, what does she have to learn?
Venus, like moi, has some serious control issues. And so Venus, like moi, had to learn to “let go and let God.” So all the pain Venus feels? That’s from personal experience.

I tried to write the books as stand alone books. However, the twist at the end of Only Uni book 2) kind of took me by surprise, too. So I would suggest people read Only Uni before Single Sashimi (book 3), if only to get the full impact of the twist.
That twist is a killer -- very good -- but wow! Go with Camy's advice here if you know you want to read the other books in the series.
Reading Sushi for One (book 1) before Only Uni (book 2) or before Single Sashimi (book 3) isn’t really necessary. However, reading book 1 before book 2 shows the changing relationship between Lex and Trish.
You recently won ACFW's Book of the Year in the debut author category and placed for chick lit with Sushi for One. How cool is that!?!? Seriously major congratulations! How will this award change your life :-) (tongue firmly in cheek)
Probably as much as it will change YOURS! Serious congrats on your own win in the short historical category! You already know how much I loved Canteen Dreams.
To be honest, this win has meant a TON to Zondervan, and I’m just so proud to do them proud, as it were. My editor, Sue Brower, was SO excited and this win is extra special for her because I was her first acquisition as Senior Editor.
It was a blast to watch Sue at the awards banquet. Her buttons were POPPING!!! and rightfully so. I think everyone who knows you and has read the book was so happy for you!
You're writing romantic suspense next, right? When will those release?
And will they have your trademark humor in them, too?
My next novel is Deadly Intent, to be released (tentatively) in August 2009 from Steeple Hill’s Love Inspired Suspense line. (How cool is it that you and I are now writing for the same publisher???)
Very cool, especially since you're title is so much like mine: Deadly Exposure, Deadly Judgment, Deadly Intent.
It won’t have the same humor, but I think it still showcases my writing style and that “romance with a kick of wasabi.” I don’t think readers will be disappointed.
Here’s a back cover blurb I just wrote for the Art Fact Sheet that I turned in to my editor. It might not be what’s on the actual book, though:
And massage therapist Naomi Grant is suspected of murder. She’s frustrated and helpless as a web of lies closes in around her, framing her. She doesn’t have time to worry about her shaky faith or think about her growing attraction to the victim’s ex-husband, Dr. Devon Knightley.
Orthopedic surgeon Devon had only needed to claim his mother’s necklace back from his ex-wife, but suddenly he’s embroiled in a murder investigation and someone is trying to kill him. He wants to somehow protect Naomi from the trap being set around her, but can he keep them both safe against a villain with deadly intent?
Oh, that sounds so good! Can't wait to read it!!! Final question...what's your favorite type of sushi? And is there sushi that someone like me who doesn't like fish should try?
My absolute favorite type of sushi is soft shell crab, which is deep fried soft shell crab chopped up and mixed with a bit of mayo, some radish shoots, and these tiny fish eggs.
It is absolutely delish, and it’s great for people who don’t like raw fish because it’s all cooked. Well, except for the fish eggs, but people are used to caviar.
So if you don’t like fish but like crab, this would be a good one. There’s also cooked shrimp sushi, which I loved when I was a kid.
There are other types of non-fish sushi that I like but they’re raw. I like scallop sushi, which is a handroll sushi and not the typical two small pieces you see. The chef at my favorite sushi restaurant in Hawaii (Kabuki in Pearl City) makes it with a bit of mayo and something else that makes it melt in your mouth.
Most sushi is seafood, so if you don’t like seafood, there isn’t much you can eat. When I was a kid, we loved the tamago sushi, which is egg mixed with a bit of sugar and fried like a thick omelet, then put on sushi rice. I also still like the cucumber sushi—I could eat that stuff all day.
Hey, if you ever come out to California, let’s go eat sushi together! Thanks for having me here, Cara!
Now that's an offer I know my sister would take you up on. I'd come along to eat the cucumber ones LOL. And shrimp. I do love shrimp. Come to Indiana and I'm make cajun shrimp for you.
Camy Tang writes romance with a kick of wasabi. She used to be a biologist, but now she is a staff worker for her church youth group and leads a worship team for Sunday service. She also runs the Story Sensei fiction critique service. On her blog, she gives away Christian novels every Monday and Thursday, and she ponders frivolous things like dumb dogs (namely, hers), coffee-geek husbands (no resemblance to her own...), the writing journey, Asiana, and anything else that comes to mind. Visit her website at http://www.camytang.com/ for a huge website contest going on right now, giving away ten boxes of books and 30 copies of her latest release, SINGLE SASHIMI.
Thanks so much for having me here, Cara!
Great interview! Congrats on both of you for winning!!!
Great interview!
great interview!
Great interview! I've seen Camy's name on the ACFW posts and have seen her website. Can't wait to read her books.
Loved this book! Can't wait to see what Camy does with Love Inspired Suspense too...
And I love Sushi!!! (no really, I do - can't get enough of it :-)
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