Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Last Chance on Contests for Gift Certificates

Fall is the perfect time to curl up with a new book. And I just got my copies of my latest book, Captive Dreams. In honor of that and because I love comments and subscribers, in October I am running a contest. On November 1 I will pull one lucky name from the subscribers to the Law Books & Life. That person will win a $30 gift card to B&N, CBD or other online bookstore of their choice. I will also pull a winner for another gift card from those who leave a comment on my blog. So sign up and comment away.

Don't forget this contest ends October 31 -- so leave your comments and sign up on Feedblitz today! What's your favorite fall activity?


Jonah said...

Woohoo! Driving in the mountains and admiring the aspens turning gold.

traveler said...

I enjoy long walks with my dogs. The weather is ideal and the air is fresh and skies bright blue. What else would i want?

anne said...

Taking a drive up to historic towns which are quaint and retain their charm.

diane said...

An adventure, a road trip which I would drive leisurely through places that I read about but never had a chance to see.

Anonymous said...

hi cara!
i'm from shoutlife! :)
i love that i can hang out with a sweater on!

Anonymous said...

Your books look interesting - I've traveled all over this great country of ours and from coast to coast the beauty of the Lord is evident.

it is nice to be able to read wholesome stories...thanks to you and your fellow authors for stories of encouragement and inspiration...Paula Shene

Jessica said...

football! Whoo hoo! Especially local high school games. Go Niceville Eagles!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your honesty and refreshing outlook on the different things you discuss on you site.

As for favorite falltime experience, watching the leaves turn such brilliant colors and walking around in the wooded areas.

Sabrina L. Fox said...

Love spending time with Tanner outside. And we're big high school football fans. Nothing like sitting in the stands on a crisp fall evening all bundled under our blanket watching the hometown boys play. =)

koopermom said...

Playing in the leaves, and carving pumpkins!!!

Miranda Rat said...

I'm a photographer (for fun mostly, not professional) so I love the fall. There's nothing like taking pictures of the trees turning colors!

Carrie L said...

I like visiting our local botanical garden. It's beautiful in the fall.

Anonymous said...

Great prize! I need some new reading material. We love going to high school football games.

Amber said...

My favorite fall activity is taking the boys to the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins and take a hayride. :)

Stephanie said...

I'm an avid reader! I love so many things about fall, but some of them are sipping hot chocolate, sitting by a bonfire roasting marshmallows, pumpkin pie, watching the leaves change colors, crisp evenings and chilly mornings.


S. said...

My favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch, and also to watch the leaves change. Everyday they change a little bit more until they're all gone! Thank you for the giveaway :)

Abby said...

I love to see the leaves change color, the crisp weather and the excitement of the holiday season around the corner!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

Keely said...

I love picking apples and eating donuts at the orchard :-) Thanks for the giveaway!

Amber said...

Baking apple and pumpkin pies are my favorite fall activities. I would love to win and thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

going to the apple orchard!

Or what we did last weekend! celebratd my mom's 50th birthday and took all 7 nieces and nephews to the pumpkin patch and played and took a hayride! it was so fun!

karissag at


Carrie said...

Visiting the pumpkin patch with my husband and son!

adorablyconfused at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love going for a drive to see the changing colors up in the mountains, the pumpkin patch with my 2 daughters, and playing in the leaves with my girls. I love Fall!!!
leslierose at gmail dot com

Crystal Laine said...

Well, evidently, I'm going to play golf in a 36-hole cross country fall extravaganza scramble. I have been so sick this week, I am reserving my strength for Saturday. I have my special golf gloves.

I'm outside every day, rain or shine, cold or hot, and I like seeing my woods change in all the seasons, but I delight in things like the squeaking mouse who jumped out of the thick leaves(we have TONS) and dove back down, scrambling to get away from my tromping boots. I like the swishing of leaves when I tromp through.

jennem said...

Jumping in piles of leaves. I'm still such a kid sometimes!
jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Nicole said...

Taking my toddler to the pumpkin patch! Nothing says fall like pumpkins!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing is the first time I feel cold! It is always so refreshing after a long summer of 100 degree plus weather. :) Being able to enjoy things like hot tea and slippers is awesome!

Blue Tourmaline said...

i love carving pumpkins and watching football!

janaemadsen said...

I like going to people's houses with my daughter and having them give us candy.

ogarac said...

carving pumpkins and making pumpkin seeds. :)

Anonymous said...

Favorite Fall activity? I'd say taking walks with my kids to look for beautiful fall foliage and pine cones and such. Then going home to turn them into personal works of art! =) Thanks for the chance!

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Rashmi said...

Just walking in the cool weather, watching the fall colors and feeling the cool wind across my face - I just love it!

Thanks for this great giveaway!
callmeabookworm AT gmail DOT com

Cadmar said...

My favorite fall activity is looking at the leaves changing color with my son. dcadmar at

Kimberly said...

I love the beautiful colors, the crisp weather, the start of the holiday season, apple picking, pumpkin carving, trick or treating with the kids, hot apple cider, hay rides....

Thanks for a great giveaway!

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Anonymous said...

I am such a bookworm, I would love to win! Thank you!

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

James & Andrea said...

I have to think back a little bit since it's snowy and cold here already. = ) I think I like taking walks under and over the autumn leaves, hearing them crunch under my feet, smelling the crip air, and feeling the perfect temperature for some light exercise. Fall is a gorgeous season, but way too short.

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway, expectually since most people love books and reading, and there are so many books out there!

Liz said...

I love being outside in the fall and looking at the colors on the trees! I also love cooking up all sorts of pumpkin goodies. girlygirlsboutique(at)gmail(dot)com

Stephanie Reed said...

Congrats on your book, fellow ShoutLifer! Both of my kids' brithdays are in the fall (next week), and my husband and I started dating on November 17. Two years and two months later, we became engaged during Thanksgiving weekend. :-)

stef dot reed at gmail dot com

Enter my giveaway!

Kara said...

What a great gift card!
millkara [at]

Liz said...

I love taking my son to the apple orchard. They have all kinds of fun activities for kids including a petting farm and they make their own pumpkin donuts! YUM!

Frugal Finds said...

playing in the leaves!!!

Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said...

Any fall activity that I can do with my kids is my favorite activity...raking (and of course jumping in) the leaves, going to the pumpkin patch in search of the um the FIVE perfect pumpkins, carving pumpkins and eating the toasted seeds, dressing the kidlets up for Halloween, celebrating family at Thanksgiving, playing outside on a crisp oops, you just wanted one...Can you tell I just love fall?!
Thank you so much for the chance to win. All of my children, my husband, and myself are avid readers so this would definitely go to good use!

Becky said...

I love the cooler weather...and the baking that comes along with fall :)


RLE said...

Going to the park to do fall photo shoots with the kids in the leaves.

Literary Winner said...

Snuggling up with my hubby - without us sticking together or complaining that the other is too sweaty.

Qtpies7 said...

Fall isn't my favorite time of the year, but I do like that it is getting cooler outside so we can turn on the heat and cuddle up with a good book and blanket.

Aldara said...

I love going apple picking in the fall!

Jenny said...

my favorite fall activity is drinking warm cider after a hayride. YUM!

Nancy M. said...

Walking through freshly fallen leaves.

Unknown said...

My favorite fall activity is hunting...I know, I know...some people don't like it,but we are responsible hunters and it puts food in our freezer!!!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

I love the fall. It's by far my favorite season. As for what my favorite activity is....cuddling up and reading a good book, driving around and seeing the leaves/decorations, eating carmel apples, etc.

lauren51990 at aol dot com

i subscribed as well!

Anonymous said...

Soccer and football games!

Anonymous said...

I love the crunchy fall leaves, and driving in the mountains to see the fall colors.

Cami said...

I love the cooler weather and starting to be able to bundle up and have hot chocolate

Carol said...

I love taking drives during the fall just to look at the trees beautiful changing colors.
Thanks for a chance.

actsm at hotmail dot com

Melody said...

After trick-or-treating with my kids (I have to restrain myself from running door to door), it's baking pumpkin-flavored things: muffins, cookies, bars. Can you tell I'm a sugar junkie?

Katie said...

I love taking walks on those beautiful Fall days when the sun is shining and the trees are colorful.
katiekarr at gmail dot com

Virginia said...

Enter me please!

livinglocalnh (at) gmail . com

And come enter my giveaway at:

Melissa said...

What a great giveaway! I love the smell in the air. I know that's not really a "thing to do," but I guess my favorite thing is smelling the fall air!

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

Curling up by the fireplace!

Come enter my Amazon giveaway!

Carrie Egg said...

Oh I love the change in the weather for fall. It is awesome and so beautiful. Going to the pumpkin patches is my favorite activity though!

Thanks for this great giveaway.


rccalyn said...

My favorite fall activity is eating candy - guess I'm still a kid at heart!
-stacy (

Karen said...

My fav fall activity is making fall related goodies - haystacks, caramel apples, pumpkin anything....

freeshopper said...

Watching my kids outside playing with the leaves or jumping in it and collecting pinecones etc..

Amy said...

my favorite thing to do it go to the cider mill for donuts and cider and honeycrisp apples

Unknown said...

I love taking walks with my family, carving pumpkins and making pumpkin bread.

I adore fall!

Anonymous said...

Favorite fall activity is taking long walks in cool, breezy weather. thanks for the giveaway. utgal2004 at yahoo dot com

Re said...

jumping on crunchy leaves :)

Great giveaway! I just love blog hopping!

I hope i'm the lucky winner :)

Angel said...

eating pie! pumpkin apple..ts all yummy

Shaybplus3 said...

WE (meaning my little ones) LOVE mommy making homemade apple bread from fresh picked apples. Carving pumpkins always means toasted pumpkin seeds too!

Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
We love fall too
*Shay B.*

Marie said...

My favorite fall activity -- playing in the leaves with my kids! :-)

kmg365 said...

My favorite fall activity is walking-- the temperature is perfect for it, and I love the leaves crunching underfoot.

kmg365 (at) gmail (dot) com

Jingle said...

I adore stomping on leaves! I don't care how old I am it is fun and I will always do it! LOL!

CrystalGB said...

Roasting marshallows, hot dogs and making smores around a cosy fire.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Michelle said...

In the fall I love kicking leaves through the gutter, preferably with a toddler along to help me!

Christy said...

Seeing the leaves change to all the beautiful colors.


Mia J. said...

I like raking up a big pile of leaves and jumping in them with the kids on a cool crisp day.

grace said...

We don't have much for fall where I live, but I do relish the first day wearing long sleeves is appropriate. And getting out my flannel jammies!

Lisa said...

I love putting all my fall decorations out. :)

Anonymous said...

My fav fall activity is going to Tennessee Titans football games!! Go Titans!! 7-0 Thanks for the giveaway!

cheryl c said...

Watching college football!


Tracy DeLuca said...

Smelling the crisp air and walking without sweating! LOL

Write From Karen said...

Favorite fall activity? Walking through the fallen leaves - I just feel like a kid again!

Good luck on NaNoWrimo! *from one participant to another!*

Write From Karen

Nicole said...

I love to drive in the country and see all the beautiful fall colors.

Suzie Williams said...

My favorite Fall Activity is Thanksgiving. We get together as a family and eat turkey! I subscribed to your feed.

KISSaholic4life said...

Walking in the woods and looking at the leaves that changed colors.

ESROTU said...

I enjoy laying in my hammock and quietly reading.

Anonymous said...

Baking, enjoying fall colors - it's just the best time of year!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! I don't want to miss out on this!


Pam's Pride said...

I enjoy going on hayrides with my family!! I also love going apple picking!

Anonymous said...

Going to apple orchards for the day.

§wanny said...

woohoo what a great offer!!!

Mimi N said...

Hi Cara. I don't know what my favorite fall activity is. I love doing our family picture, but the teens complain. I enjoy raking leaves, but this year it seems like there were 2x as many. I enjoy going to the apple orchard and pumpkin picking, neither of which we've been able to do this year. Sometimes I hate being a single mom. I can't be everywhere at once. :)


Mimi B

mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My parent's have a Fall party on the 3rd Saturday of October. We look forward to it and have fun in the process.
Thanks for the chance to win.
mcginnis135 at bellsouth dot net

Linda said...

Driving up to the mountains to pick apples. Coming home and making tons of apple pies and applesauce. It's bliss.

Anonymous said...

Great prize!

Our favorite fall activity is apple picking with the kids. The have a blast and I always get the best pictures of the kids with the fabulous fall colors.

Thanks for hosting the awesome giveaway.

Dorian said...

Our new fall favorite activity is geocaching. Enjoy the scenery, the weather, and the kids!!

Tara said...

My favorite fall activity is to put up decorations and plan for Thanksgiving and Christmas menus..

I am so happy to have found your blog. I subscribed.

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Ilissa said...

My favorite part of fall would probably be the leaves changing color, the geese and Thanksgiving! Thanks. :)

Emily said...

I've got a great list of books I'd buy with this!

princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Please enter me! Thanks for the giveaway!


Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I love the Fall baking...all the yummy pumpkin stuff :-) Thanks for such a generous giveaway. I also just subscribed to your feed.
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

fancyfeet48 said...

I love to see the leaves change color, the crisp weather and the excitement of the holiday season

Barbara Bee said...

I like walking through the fallen leaves, scuffing my feet and feeling the leaves crunch. Thanks for the great giveaway!

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com

Em Sands said...

When the weather cools, I love nothing more than snuggling up on the couch with a blanket and a good book!

Happy Holidays!

melaniesands at yahoo dot ca

Anonymous said...

Simply living is in itself the greatest adventure. Thank you for the giveaway!!!

Tempest52 said...

I like to go for walks with my dogs before the wintry blasts make walks a duty rather than a pleasure.

dlcwin at

Dumaurier said...

Having an excuse to bake pumpkin bread

judybrittle said...

I just love the fall colors and the cooler weather. Beautiful time of the year. Thank you so much!
judybrittle at aol dot com

fancyfeet48 said...

Love reading a book that draws you away, putting you into a different area or time.

Lalycairn said...

Favorite fall activity is definately baking. I just don't bake in the summer when it is so hot. So when the weather turns, I begin again. . .

Thank you for your drawing

Lalycairn (at)

nicole said...

Tailgating with my husband at Mean Green games. I love books.

Anonymous said...

I love to take our kids to different pumpkin patches!

Stacy said...

Playing in the leaves.


Unknown said...

Oh gosh this is so generous of you! I would love to try and win a gift card to amazon or possibly half price book store if possible I LOVE LOVE that store! they even have books for one dollar ONE DOLLAR!! and good books too, I haven't been there in a while, I really need to go :D

lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot] com

bren j. said...

My favourite fall activity is heading to the pumpkin patch with our little girl. This year she was walking which made it more fun. She was also trying to pick up giant pumpkins which was quite funny. :)

Bebemiqui said...

I like snuggling with the kids in our warm bed.

rebecca said...

Sounds like such a nice read...


gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

Gaitha said...

Oh just being outside and smelling the chimneys:)
ggp42304 (at) gmail (dot com)

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin carving with my family :-)

Trace said...

Great contest! My fav fall activity is pumpkin carving with my family. Makes me feel like a kid again!

Anonymous said...

a mug of hot chocolate is what i love


checkers said...

Baking for fall and watching th leaves change colours. skyskyaa11(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

Jenna Z said...

I LOVE the smell of burning leaves. I know, we're not supposed to do it in town and I don't. But when someone does, I secretly love it!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Fall cleaning and cooking

lilacbutterfly [at]

Sarah Z said...

Leaves changing colors and crunching under your feet! I am ready for fresh apple cider too!!

believedreamcourage (at)

crystal said...

My grandmother is an avid reader. I need to get your books for her (& myself)!

I love watching the leaves turn beautiful colors in the mountains!

ikkinlala said...

I like baking pumpkin pies.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Alaina said...

I love going to the pumpkin patch with my boys!

alainamj AT yahoo DOT com

Mia said...

all the yummy treats! daisy_collections(at)yahoo(dot)com

hayley said...

I love going apple picking and then making an apple crumble!

oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com

Suzanne said...

Seeing the colorful leaves and drinking hot apple cider

Poulsen Family said...

I love to go hiking in the fall. The weather is beautiful and the air is crisp.

Momnerd said...

My favorite fall activity is taking a walk to look at all the leaves and then trying to find some to play in! sharlacarbine at gmail dot com

Tricia said...

Playing in the leaves with the kids.


Philana said...

decorating the house for halloween!!

ahiltz said...

Going to the Cider Mill for fresh cider and donuts! Thanks so much for doing this giveaway!

Carolyn Sharkas said...

Nerd that I am, I love watching marching bands perform. It is amazing what these kids can do (mine included) for the band director, when I can't even get them to clean their rooms, lol

thanks for sharing

ceashark at aol dot com

buzzd said...

Driving to the mountains and seeing all the beautiful fall leaves. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

We love riding in the country looking at all the changing colors of the leaves. Thanks for the giveaway!

zarache AT aol DOT com

Suz said...

Preparing for Thanksgiving!

txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

HeatherLow said...

I enjoy being with my family doing whatever! Thanks for the giveaway.
poncey76 at hotmail dot com

Jinxy and Me said...

I love to go apple picking. Thanks for the giveaway!

PastormacsAnn said...

Watching the leaves change. Love all the colors.


Stonefox said...

I love enjoying the cooler fall mornings before the kids get up! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

LivingforGod said...

My favorite fall activity is catching leaves on windy days :). My kids and I just did that this afternoon. We tried to catch the leaves before they hit the ground. I won today :).

RainyPM said...

If I can figure out how to subscribe to your blog I will give it a try.

Cherie J said...

Baking bread and muffins.


burrhippie said...

My favorite fall activity is taking long drives in the country to look at the colors.

Marybeth Whalen said...

Baking apple and pumpkin goodies-- visiting the apple farm and pumpkin patch to get supplies to do so!

daytoncat said...

Going to the pumh with my kiddos and drinking hot apple cider!


Anonymous said...

Going to the apple orchard with my family.

Jennifer said...

Celebrating our fall wedding anniversary!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

My favorite fall activity is carving pumpkins with my kids. They get more creative every year, and I love it. I'd be delighted to win a B&N gift card if you choose me. Thanks!

Kristen said...

I love our family Halloween bonfire. Thanks for the great giveaway.

the schros said...

I'm in.
katelynthames AT yahoo DOT com

Nonnie said...

My favorite activity in the fall is baking! Fall flavors are my favorite flavors. Thanks for the chance!

malleycc said...

I love walking thru the fallen leaves and them crunching and watching the kids throw them and jump in leaf piles.

Julie said...

I love taking a drive in the fall when the leaves are changing color!

Genevieve P said...

I love making pumpkin pie and taking walks in the crisp cool weather!

parknj at basicisp dot net

michelle said...

My favourite fall activity is making hearty soups and stews again after an entire summer of salads and grilled chicken.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

butler1939 said...

I love baking in the kitchen with my daughter.

Kristan said...

apple picking for sure...

Chantelle said...

This is a great one! Thanks for the chance to win :)

redpolkadotsgirl said...

great giveaway because when the weather gets cooler, I LOVE curling up with a warm blanket and reading a good book.

Jennifer said...

I love going to the local cider mill for fresh cider and donuts!
Thanks for the giveaway, reading is my favorite pasttime!


Sacred said...

My favorite Fall Activity would be Basketball conditioning...and knowing that high school, college, and NBA basketball is right around the corner! Sorry, but I guess I am just a gym rat!



Reva Skie said...

Apple picking at the local orchard. We have one close by.

Katie said...

My favorite fall activity is just enjoying the weather with my family. Sitting out side before it gets to cold and watching the leaves change colors. Thanks
katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Kristy said...

I love looking at the leaves after they have changed colors.

Crayl said...

I am like a little kid when it comes to crunching leaves as I walk. Love it. Thanks for a chance.

Michelle said...

I like changing out my wardrobe! Putting away the shorts and tank tops and pulling out long sleeves! I also like drinking hot apple cider, or hot chocolate. Thanks!

Cjnedrow said...

I love everything about Fall - seeing the beautiful foliage and going apple picking and so many other things to enjoy at this time of the year!

Bonnie in FL said...

I love fall --cool crisp mornings the freshness of the air they birds coming to my yard for the winter Warm sweaters, croduroys and boots

Love it

Bonnie in FL

Anonymous said...

I'm doing my favorite tonight ... walking the neighborhood with my kids to trick or treat! Thanks - neat prize!
sjbraun at hotmail dot com

Jessica-MomForHim said...

I love baking in the fall!

Davina Perret said...

My birthday!
Thanks for a great giveaway.
Please visit my giveaway at

LaVonne said...

Celebrating my birthday is my favorite fall activity. And wearing sweaters!

Amy said...

i love fall, and love anything pumpkin related. :)

I love cooking oodles of soups, and again anything pumkin!

Anonymous said...

I love apple picking with the kids!

Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.

Vintagesquirrel said...

I love to go apple picking and then make apple pies and apple crisp from our windfall.

Kirby McCauley said...

I love books like you wouldn't even believe! B&N here I come!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Apple pie, applesauce, leave peeping in Vermont and pumpkin spice lattes spell fall in my book!! Thanks for hosting!

Sandra said...

My favorite fall activity is hiking in the mountains with my family and our dog.

owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

Anonymous said...

I love to take the family on a drive through the country to look at the changing leaves

Anonymous said...

carving pumpkins is fun
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Alyce said...

I like to watch the geese migrate!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

*~Dani~* said...

Definitely the cider mill visit - fresh baked donuts and warm cider. God I love fall!

Kiy said...

Walks along our river-side park, watching the waves and at the same time watching our daughter running through the leaves. She loves to do this, loves the crunching sounds. And we, we love to watch the joy on her face.

Cheers, Kiy

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. Thanks! I love the leaves changing in the fall. Up in Door County, WI the foliage is great!

Becca said...

Thanks for the great prize!!!

Anonymous said...

Jumping in piles of fallen leaves with my boys. Thanks for the chance.


Kathy - mom of many said...

We don't really have much fall here but I'm going to start a tradition this year of buying pumpkins at the pumpkin patch (bought three the other day) and making great pumpkin recipes from them. This has been our first year to buy pumpkins, I know I'm a little behind.

Anonymous said...

Roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over our fire pit with my family


Dani' said...

fall camping or Halloween! Halloween is my favorite holiday!

Anonymous said...

drinking apple cider


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