Stepping into Sunlight was no different. In fact, this is my favorite contemporary of Sharon's.
Penny Sullivan is ready to face the challenge of a cross-country move and caring for her energetic seven-year-old son while her husband leaves on his first deployment as a Navy chaplain. But after she witnesses a shocking crime, her world tips sideways. Hiding in her closet isn't an option when her husband and son depend on her, so she fights to recover. But even simple tasks such as filling her car with gas, buying groceries, and returning phone calls are suddenly more than she can handle....A story for every woman who has wondered where God is when life hurts.
This book is the poignant tale of Penny's journey back to wholeness. It will be much harder for me to tell people to just move on after getting inside Penny's head and experiencing the pain of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and simple joys of life. Penny's climb out of the pit was so realistic I felt trapped with her. I cheered for each step forward she took and moaned when she couldn't move past her protective zone.
I was also challenged by Penny's project: do one kind deed to a stranger each day. It's one I'd like to make my own! This book is wonderful and has joined my keeper pile. So in honor of Penny's project, here's my challenge to you. Take sometime this week. Help someone (outside your immediate family and circle of friends). Then share what you did here. I'll select one person to win a copy of this book.
I did help out at church yesterday by singing and tried to make someone new feel welcome (she was sitting all by herself). Does that count? I don't usually sing, but the usual person who sings was sick. :-)
Thanks for the giveaway, I would love love love to read this!
ladyufshalott at yahoo.com
Stepping into Sunlight sounds like just the book for helping others see the horrors and debilitating times people with post traumatic stress disorder deal with. Can't understand it without experiencing it, but this book looks like a great start to helping others understand.
We had a "God Encounter Weekend" at church this last weekend. I met 3 new friends that I got to pray with and minister to. They have had so much bad stuff happen in their lives, but are ready to start making wiser, healthier choices. I was so humbled that God could use me in someone else's life.
Looking forward to reading this book
I help out with a group each week in my town. I volunteer and serve meals, and I have begun to read to elementary school children each week.
I am speaking for my 20 year old son!
He found out about a puppy mill raid in a another state! It was only about a two hour drive to get to the adoption place for these various kinds of puppies. He had been wanting a Beagle puppy for some time. He and our younger son split the cost for the puppy and her supplies! In less than two weeks, we were smitten with her. Then, we found out she had distemper. We took her to a Veterinary School clinic and she wasn't expected to live through the weekend. Nothing short of a miracle, she made it. My sons have shown me what caring and compassionate men they are. It may be a dog and not a human kindness, but in our family, we try and respect every living thing. Thanks, Cindi
a neighbor moved in 2 doors down last weekend. it's a mother of 4 young children who is getting a divorce. we took her cookies and my children have asked her children to play almost every day. my goal is to get to know her better and hopefully be able to minister to her.
I meant to also say that Sharon's book sounds wonderful and it's already on the list for my book discussion group!! I'd love to win a copy :)
This year I have been busy with a helping project for our temple. We assist people in need in any way possible and it brings me great satisfaction.
This sounds like a good book I would love to read, too, so sign me up. crmcc at setel dot com
I just sent my friend a much needed gift card, she is having a rough time and I'm always there for her, good friends are hard to find!
phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com
Cara, I'm involved with a group of ladies at our church in a project to raise funds for Hilda, a lady in our community who desperately needs a kidney transplant. First we formed prayer teams, then put together a cookbook of everybody's favorite recipes - which has sold extremely well. Tomorrow we're hosting a taster's luncheon (I'm playing background music for 2 hours), which we hope God will bless beyond anything we could ever imagine.
Hilda is a sweet, devout Christian and inspiration to us all.
And thanks for the giveaway! I've read one of Sharon's Becky Miller books and love her writing.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
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