Thursday, August 21, 2008

Nature will not...

Nature will not be admired by proxy...
--- Winston Churchill

This quote came up on my 1000 places to see before you die tear off calendar. There have been so many beautiful pictures, enough to leave me dreaming and drooling of places I would like to visit.

But this quote really hit me today.

Life is nutty right now. I'm not getting much sleep as I try to get the business law book finished, so I can focus on my novels and teaching this fall. Then there' s the conference coming up. Homeschooling my kids. Enjoying them. Taking a few minutes for me. It's really tight right now.

And I can't think of the last time I let myself relax and just enjoy. Even with the Olympics -- that only come every four years -- I've had a laptop in my lap most times I'm watching. Trying -- not always successfully to maximize the time.

So I want to work really hard the rest of this week. Write those last five chapters. And then take a day with the kids to relax. Enjoy the world around us. Before I dive back in to conference prep and writing those novels.

1 comment:

Crystal Laine said...

I love this quote! I am outside (I live in a woods on the river) every day and spend a lot of time in nature (always have.)

Anyway, hang in there. You are doing awesome and are well-admired!And we'll pray you get some time to see some of those thousand as a reward for working so hard.


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