Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Patriotism...What is it?

Last week we celebrated Flag Day and in a couple weeks we celebrate the Fourth of July.

It's got me thinking in red, white, and blue. Not hard when my Dad served in the military so long and my husband is an Eagle Scout.

But I'm wondering: what is patriotism in today's world? What does it mean to you? I tend to think in World War II terms (I know, that's hard to believe, right?!?) Or in terms of Post 9/11. Times when people come together willing to do whatever it takes to protect our country and to protect the weak.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm unique. Do my family's sacrifices during the Gulf War color my definition?

So today's question, what is patriotism to you?

1 comment:

Jonah said...

To me, patriotism means loving my country so much that I find it my duty to call to account those in power who are doing anything other than protecting freedom.

Also making American flag cookie pizza!


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