Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Benefit of Writing Reviews

I'll admit it. I am so new to reviewing books that I'm still learning the tricks of the trade. But I have to tell you there's a nice benefit. Often when I open my mailbox it feels like Christmas. Somedays, I've waited with anticipation for a book. Others, I had no idea the book was on the way.

Take today. Susan May Warren's new book Reclaiming Nick filled a mailer. Let me tell you, I ripped that envelope to pieces in two seconds flat. Later this month, I'll have an interview with Susan ... and from the first few pages of the book, I can tell I love the book.

Others in my to be read pile:

Every once in awhile, I'll get one from left field like The Harbor Boys, a memoir by Hugo Hamilton. I'm sure it's good, but it's a little outside the fiction I usually read and review. But I'm interested enough to keep it on the TBR pile.

What's in your TBR (to be read) pile? Jonah, I expect you to have some great, classic recommendations for us.

1 comment:

Camy Tang said...

How neat, I have many of the same books as you for review, although I'm jealous because I don't have MaryLu Tyndall's book or Claudia's yet. :(


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